If you can learn to create win-win negotiations, then you can make people want to negotiate the deal with you. You negotiate the deal by asking questions, uncovering needs, and positioning what you bring to the table as a solution to some of those needs. Whether you're looking to be a better real estate negotiator or just get a better deal on your next high-end purchase or get some attention at work, this is for you!
Win-win Negotiation Tips
61. Use metaphors to make your point. "I'm sorry but you can't just give me the car with no engine. I won't even be able to start it...how am I going to drive it?" Appeal to their sense of fair play/
62. Your silence should make THEM uneasy and leap to fill the silent space....but YOU should take THEIR silence to mean ASSENT. "Great, now that we're in agreement on...let's move on to.." If they don't challenge you on that right then and there, they most likely WON'T. If they don't it wasn't important enough of a point for them to need to get it in order to feel a win.
63. "You made the RIGHT decision talking with me today". People want to be right, tell them they are. This is a great way to create win-win negotiations.
64. Good real estate negotiators learn to use "Subject to buyer's partner's approval" in addendums. Who is your partner? Could be your goldfish for all they know. Be honest that you want a buyer's partner's approval. They don't necessarily need to know who it is, as that doesn't come into their consideration of winning the deal or not.
65. Master the art of comparing values oranges to apples...if you can make them see oranges AS apples...you can get a lot of value for what you offer comparative to what they now think you're offering, and they'll be happy with the trade too (because you built so much value). There's some real Zen-level verbal judo in there for you if you can catch that...
66. Do real-world research into what motivates people to buy/sell/make a decision the most. Offer it to them positioned in with what you bring to the table. They get it, they win.
67. Read Abraham Maslow's book The Hierarchy of Needs. It's kind of academic and dry in places but you will not find a better description ANYWHERE of how to establish yourself at the top of the pecking order in any social or business situation.
68. Smile. Winners smile even when they're losing. They just bite their lip too.
69. Show someone the courtesy of an in person visit ESPECIALLY when they wouldn't expect it (long distance). It makes an impression that won't be forgotten. And an impression goes a long way to creating a win-win negotiation.
70. If you're meeting with someone for the first time, know exactly how to pronounce their name. If you don't know or can't find out, when you see it written say "Wow that is a very UNIQUE name...how would I properly pronounce it?"
71. Learn how to use framing and reframing. If you don't know what this is, you need to reframe your brain; your window to the world is blocked. You can't give a person a winning scenario while receiving one yourself if you can't see the world through their eyes as well as your own.
72. You've decided you're going to buy a property. Now work up a. Anticipated costs of various items b. Nature and cost of available financing c. Estimates of income d. A projected timeline indicating when expenses will be incurred and when income will be received...go back and RE-NEGOTIATE when the numbers don't work, and strive to make the solution work for all parties involved.
73. Drop a dead deal if the deal won't work (but remember, leave the door open). No negotiation tactics or focus on win-win solutions can save you if there's nothing to deal.
74. Create the aura of exclusivity. "I'm the only game in town for you." You can't create a win-win for them if they go somewhere else to deal.
75. Don't be misled by the aura of legitimacy. Just because someone is clever enough to put "Standard Contract" across the top of a piece of paper doesn't mean it's LEGITIMATELY "standard". What is "standard" anyway?